Instruction for progressive lenses

Dear customer!

This is a special sticker!

You already have your new progressive spectacles, which enable you to see clearly at all distances.
The construction of progressive spectacles (or multifocal) consists of several optical areas:
- the widest of the active (allowing clear vision) vision areas is the distance area, which is located at the very top of the lens;
- the next is the progressive channel, which is narrow and allows clear vision  at middle distances (usually greater than 45cm). It is located
in the central part of the lens and extends downwards from the far area to the near area, changing it' s optical power;
- below this is the near area, which makes it possible, for example, to read a book or use a mobile phone;
- on the sides of the lens (left and right) are the widest areas that are excluded from vision (called blind spots). When you look through these areas, the image is blurred and can cause discomfort (e.g. dizziness).

The coloured dots and lines on the surface of your glasses are special marks that tell you how the above vision areas are positioned.
To remove these marks, please apply a sticker to the surface of the lens and remove it. The marks will be removed together with the sticker. Alternatively, use warm water and a soft cloth to clean; clean gently not to damage the lens surface.

How do I use my progressive lenses for the first time?
Try your progressive lenses first thing in the morning and wear them throughout the day for a minimum of two weeks. If you feel any discomfort, try to wear them for as long as possible and gradually increase the duration of wear.
It is important to remember a few tips while wearing progressive glasses:
- the areas of clear vision are much smaller than the blind spots, your eyes should look through the central part of the lenses at all times.
- move your head left and right while reading (initially reading only one word at a time),
- when descending stairs, tilt your head down as far as possible to look through the far area (if you look into the near area, the stairs will appear closer than they really are, and you could fall from them)
- When using a computer, raise and lower your chin to find the right lens power to give you a clear image.
Put away your readers, contact lenses and monofocal glasses!
Give yourself one or two weeks to adjust to them. Some people may need up to a month. Wear your new lenses as often as possible and stop wearing other glasses.

Why are my progressive lenses blurry?
The design of progressive lenses differs significantly from single vision (standard) glasses. It involves a clear, crisp image in the central part of the lens, while the further away from the centre the image becomes blurred.
Blurring or fogging on the periphery of the lens is a natural feature of progressive spectacles. The wider the glasses are, the more "blind spots" our brains notice. The wearer may also have the impression that they are moving from side to side.
This phenomenon usually begins to diminish within the first two weeks of wearing the glasses, and often only after a month.
 There are several steps you can take during the adjustment period to help combat this feeling:
- Make a concerted effort to look through the correct part of the lens
- When looking into the distance, point your nose in the direction you are looking
- Consider switching to a different progressive lens design if the blurring is constant.

Please remember that the most important factor in getting used to progressive spectacles is strong motivation and a positive attitude!

If you have any questions, please contact us: