Whether the poor vision is one more coronavirus consequence? - OhSpecs

Whether the poor vision is one more coronavirus consequence?

Coronavirus has become a challenging time for all of humanity, the results of which have affected both human health and the economic development of the whole world. While everyone is focused on the obvious consequences of the global pandemic, we have decided to consider indirect ones that few people pay attention to, but no less important.

In our century of rapid technological scaling, people are more and more immersed in a world where screens of digital devices surround us everywhere: at work, on the bus, in shops, and at home, but we find salvation in live communication, walking around, spending time together in places leisure time. However, after the quarantine was entered, all these options became inaccessible and we had to stay at home. We work from home, study at home, relax at home, communicate from home and do this through a computer, smartphones and other gadgets. Now, we look almost constantly at the screen, often neglecting prevention and protective equipment, which leads to increased eye strain and impaired vision.

To protect yourself from the consequences of constantly spending time behind the screens of digital devices, of course, you need to periodically break away from the screen and do exercises for the eyes, look out the window and just relax. But do not forget about the so-called "blue light" emitted by screens and continuously falling on the retina of our eyes.

What is blue light and why is it so important?
First, let's recall the school physics course. There is a spectrum of light that we don’t see during our normal life, it includes UV, radio and other radiation, and there is also a spectrum of light that the human eye can perceive. Rays of blue light fall into the latter category. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy, which is why blue light is called high-energy visible light. This high energy means that light can penetrate the skin even deeper than ultraviolet rays and affect the retina more than the spectrum of red and green light.

How to protect yourself from the harmful “blue light”?
Exposure to light can increase the risk of macular degeneration (damage to the central region of the retina). Blue light penetrates the retina (inner lining of the nape of the eye) - which is important, as studies have shown: too much exposure to blue light can damage the sensitive cells of the retina.
Spending just two hours in a row behind the screen of a digital device can cause eye strain and fatigue. In addition, blue light can inhibit the production of melatonin (the hormone that causes sleep), so filtering it can help you sleep better.

For the time being, the most effective means of protection against harmful “blue light” (provided that it is constantly kept behind the screens) are glasses with special lenses - with a blue light filter, the so-called BLUE LIGHT BLOCK effect or, as they are often called, “computer glasses”.
Externally, safety glasses are not much different from prescription ones, but at the same time, they have a special coating that acts as a filter. Special lenses trap the harmful spectra of light emitted by the screen while protecting against glare. Therefore, the purchase of glasses with special lenses certainly will not be superfluous (or even necessary) in the conditions in which we live.

Take care of your eyes.
How much blue light has already penetrated the retina of your eyes while you read it? Do not forget to be distracted from screens, do preventive maintenance and protect your eyes.